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6 Real Reasons You Need Wisdom Teeth Removal

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Wisdom teeth removal is not just a standard procedure, it’s a crucial step in maintaining your oral health. But how do you know if you need it or if it’s time to call an emergency dentist for help ASAP? The American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons reveals that about 90 percent of people (or nine out of ten Americans) have at least one impaction, which can lead to serious complications if left untreated.

It’s important to remember that everyone’s oral health needs are unique. Your situation might be different from someone you know, and that’s why it’s crucial to understand why wisdom teeth removal could be recommended by your dentist.  By gaining this knowledge, you can assess what’s happening inside your mouth and make an informed decision about your oral health.

Prevent Growing a Gum Flap Over Your Wisdom Tooth

When you develop a patch of skin or gum flap over a wisdom tooth, it’s also known as pericoronitis. It’s your body’s natural inflammation reaction of the gum tissue near a partially erupted wisdom tooth where it meets the chewing surface to help break down the foods you eat. However, this flap of gum tissue (if left untreated) is the perfect setup for trapped food particles to create bacteria that can ultimately lead to:

  • Harmful Infection
  • Painful Swelling
  • General Discomfort
  • Bad breath

One of the many benefits of the removal process is removing the gum flap over your wisdom tooth that hurts to avoid any further complications in the future.

Avoid Orthodontic Complications as Teeth Shift with Time

Wisdom teeth used to be extremely useful for our ancestors who had a diet that required a thorough breakdown of raw meats or vegetable roots when hunting for food. They’re not as needed today, but we still have wisdom teeth that crowd our jaws to accommodate these four extra molars. This crowds your other permanent teeth, jeopardizing orthodontic work or causing you to need braces. This is why every dentist (and the American Dental Association) usually agrees it’s best to remove wisdom teeth before they erupt through your gums.

Stop the Pain and Discomfort You May Be Feeling

Wisdom teeth know how to cause pain, which is why so many patients seek help, even from an emergency dentist, when circumstances become unbearable. The pain you’re feeling is no joke and should be taken seriously, as your body is trying to tell you there’s too much pressure on your surrounding teeth and gum tissue. When wisdom teeth are impacted (or stuck below your gum line), this only adds to your aching. The best way to feel pain-free again is to get them removed to alleviate your discomfort for good and know your treatment options.

Waiting Too Long Could Mean You Need an Emergency Dentist

One of the reasons so many patients call our dental office is because of something their wisdom teeth are ultimately responsible for. Your dental emergency can happen overnight or be the result of a buildup of issues over time that end debilitating oral pain. These situations (and infections) often require an immediate visit to an emergency dentist. Having your wisdom teeth removed proactively can help you avoid urgent emergency dental care, so you and your dentist should plan a wisdom teeth removal procedure under controlled conditions. This is a much more manageable, affordable approach. Reach out to your emergency dentist right away if you’re experiencing:

  • Severe tooth pain or sensitivity that’s extremely disruptive to your life. 
  • Signs of an infection including swelling, discoloration, blisters, or a persistent bad taste. 
  • Unbearable discomfort in your jaw that makes it difficult even to speak or chew.

If these wisdom tooth infection symptoms are affecting your personal and professional life, please call your emergency dentist ASAP for a comprehensive consultation and checkup.

Prevent the Dangerous Cysts and Tumor Growth

Impacted wisdom teeth can sometimes lead to the development of cysts or tumors. These growths can damage the area’s jawbone and nerves, leading to more severe health problems. Cysts and tumors don’t always have to be large for them to do damage. They can grow on your gum flap on a wisdom tooth or jawbone. Regular dental check-ups can help identify these issues early in the affected area. Again — the best preventive measure is to plan for wisdom teeth removal before cysts or tumors show up. 

You’re Left Susceptible to Periodontal Disease and Cavities

Your wisdom teeth aren’t located in the most accessible spot to keep clean, as they’re in the back of your mouth. Brushing and flossing correctly can be tricky, and it’s not necessarily your fault, no matter how hard it is to clean the area. When food debris or bacteria is left behind,  you’re more susceptible to periodontal disease in your gums and bad cavities. Working with an emergency dentist can stop your wisdom teeth from doing more damage to your gum tissue and remaining permanent teeth.

The Bottom Line About Why Wisdom Teeth Removal is Important

Imagine a future with a healthier smile that lasts a lifetime. Wisdom teeth removal can help you achieve this. By addressing issues like gum flaps over wisdom teeth, persistent and unbearable pain, and sudden visits to your emergency dentist, you can avoid these complications with preventive wisdom teeth removal. Getting the surgery done while young (aged 17 to 23) can lead to a more uncomplicated recovery and significant oral and overall health improvement. 

If you suspect your wisdom teeth are causing problems, don’t hesitate to consult your general or emergency dentist. They can thoroughly evaluate you, and your dentist may recommend the best course of action. Remember, early intervention is key to preventing more long-term complications down the road.

Reach Out to Us to Learn More About Protecting Your Oral Health

By taking proactive steps now with safe tooth extractions, you can save yourself from unnecessary pain and emergency dental services or treatments in the future. Wisdom teeth removal is a common and generally safe procedure that can have a lasting positive impact on your oral health. So, take the first step towards a healthier smile and consider scheduling an appointment with us today.

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